
Bruxelas - Atomium

Desde os tempos de Demócrito que o átomo era considerado a menor partícula na qual a matéria era divisível. Esta teoria só viria a ser destronada com a descoberta, no final do sé.19, das novas particulas sub-atómicas, protões, electrões e neutrões.
Desenhado pelo arquitecto André Waterkeyn para a Exposição Mundial de Bruxelas de 1958, o "Atomium", com os seus 102 metros de altura, ergue-se, no Bruparck, o local onde se realizou a Expo' 58, nos arredores de Bruxelas. Inicialmente planeado para resistir apenas aos 6 meses da exposição, rapidamente se tornou num símbolo, não só da Feira Mundial como também da moderna arquitectura da cidade de Bruxelas. Na sua concepção Waterkeyn partiu da imagem de um cristal de ferro, aumentado 165 milhões de vezes, e deu-lhe o formato de um cubo. Posicionando uma das esferas no "centro do cubo" fez convergir as outras 8 esferas (que representam os vértices) para o centro, ligando todas as esferas com 12 tubos que correspondem às 12 arestas.
O interior da estrutura lança o nosso imaginário para um ambiente quase espacial, com efeitos de luzes, escadas íngremes e escuras que se desenvolvem ao longo dos 12 tubos da construção. É visita obrigatória numa viagem a Bruxelas.
Fotogr: CRV

4 comentários:

Olga disse...

These are amazing fotos, TI! We were in Brussels last December and also visited Atomium then but we never managed to get the nice pictures from the inside - your are really cosmic and modernist. You are reading my mind with your posts - I was thinking of posting about something from Brussels closer to Christmas as we were there around that time and the chocolate stores decorations were just amazing. I'm also in a very travel mood recently..

I hope you and Ze have recovered a little from the family grief. A very big hug to you from Gdansk and best wishes from Arek.

Paralelo Longe disse...

Thanks so much for your comment. If, by any chance, you like the pictures, please feel free to use them on your blog. I'll be honoured. The pictures benefited from the light and the special place I'm just an amateur.
We are recovering well from our sudden lost. It's always difficult to loose someone so close. Thank you for your concern.
Love you, TI

Olga disse...

TI, thank you very much for your kind permission. I was going to use your other pictures you gave us when posting more about Portugal. I was planning to post about the 8 days spent in Portugal one by one... But so far just created 1 of them...and then our hard disc with all the pictures got broken :( so I only have the pics as old as 1 month on my PC :( :( we need to bring the hard drive somewhere so that the IT see if all the pictures we collected can be recovered... :( :( and no, we are so stupid that we don't have copies... So I just keep my fingers crossed we will get them back... Well, we all learn by mistakes.

Paralelo Longe disse...

I really understand what it means to loose our pictures, it's really sad, that's way I keep, at least 3 or 4 DVD's back ups, besides the hard disk. But, don't be sad. If by any chance you don't manage to recover your portuguese pictures, you bet that next year I can smile, exactly on the same way, and on the same place we have been so you can take me as many photos as you want AND THEN you will record them on DVD's before leaving Portugal just to be sure that you'll never loose them again. All right? So, first steap: To come again with your camera! (Bring Arek on your bag too!:) Love you