Se há efeitos que o famoso "Eyjafjallajokull" não conseguiu foi perturbar o descanso destas duas gaivotas do mar do Norte. Encontrei-as aninhadas numa praia de seixos quentes, onde gozavam tranquilamente um sol radioso de Abril e as temperaturas amenas que por estes dias de Primavera se fizeram sentir naquelas latitudes. Olhando para o céu, não se vislumbravam quaisquer sinais de fumo negro ou de particulas prejudiciais a uma inspiração saudável. Imperturbáveis ao caos dos aeroportos, longe das notícias que se atropelavam entre bafuradas vulcânicas e labaredas vindas das profundezas da Terra, as gaivotas do mar do Norte pareciam indiferentes às previsões geológicas para os próximos dias. Com uma calmaria invejável, era vê-las a meio da tarde a dormitar nesta praia deserta, sugerindo descansos merecidos depois de grandes voos e algumas planações sobre o mar, aproveitando a brisa marítima que, discretamente, se fez sentir em costas normalmente fustigadas por ventos fortes. Olhando para ambas, ninguém diria que foram das poucas a levantar voo por estes dias.
Fotogr: CRV©
4 comentários:
Dear TI, wonderful post. The volcano have seemed to be very nice with you :)(not Ze :P) I'm so happy for you that you had a good time and that nothing, literally NOTHING can break your great spirit and optimism!! That's the most important thing of all!
As for me, I think I'm better than it may sound - I mean the leg is much better and I walk with just one crouch and at home even without already! The people at rehabilitation were so good to me - so knowledgeable and helpful, they really did wonders to my leg! The only problem that remains is night pain - but they say it's normal, I'm just too tired of it now - it's the 2nd month, so I started to complain on the blog. I'm half asleep now instead and at night can't close my eyes. And need to wake up in the morning - I work half-day every day from home now and go to rehab every day for 2 weeks. So even on sick leave my day is kind of busy.
But enough about me! How are you? What have you brought from your travels? Lot's of memories and impressions? Lot's of beautiful words which yet didn't make it to your blog? Thanks for the wonderful comments you are leaving me. I always value your point of view very much. And grabbing problems by the horns - yeah, you are so right! I also have similar opinion, maybe I need to be more assertive!
Big hugs!! And greets from Gdansk
P.S. Are you and Ze busy from 22.08?
Dear Olga,
The volcano was extremely nice with us :) and surely we’ve got many stories to tell about our little adventure. Traveling has this wonderful phenomenon, there’s always something to tell about and my two blogs are a very nice motivation to record these memories. Our small escapes are great to renew many things and you are absolutely right, there isn’t a single thing that can shake or break the great spirit and the optimist we are living now.
I’m so glad you are better. I’ve become really worried with what you wrote on your blog. My thoughts were with you because I understood you were in pain and I can’t stand to see my friends unwell. I’m so glad you are recovering according to medical predictions and I’m sure that these insomnias will soon pass.
Regarding August 22d, Zé and I hope to be fully busy with two lovely Polish friends. Am I right? So, we are waiting for your visit with our open harms hoping to host you so that you can leave my country with good memories, nice stories to tell your friends and most of all with some calm and relaxing days for you to recover from a hard working year.
I'm really looking so much forward to be with you both again.
Big hugs from Portugal, TI
Oh, TI you are too kind :) Thank you for the warm words of welcoming as usual! I mean is this time really convenient for you? I hope you do not have too many big plans for that time and we hope not to bother you..
I do feel better now, the nights 'became' a bit shorter and I'll see my doctor on Thu. My rehab trainer says my progress is good so far - thank you also for asking.
And your reading list is impressive - not pretentious at all. I admire people who read 'serious' books like they were 'just books'.. unfortunately I'm a kind of person for whom they are still 'serious'...and I need tome time to 'prepare' myself to read them instead of 'just' reading them...this is so stupid...
Dear Olga,
The time is more than convenient and it’s my pleasure to receive you for as long as you like. Actually, you also make us feel on holidays. So, please come and enjoy :)
I’m so glad you are better. Hate to see you in pain.
Regarding my list I think I’m just compensating those busy years when my children were very small (and I got 3 in a row) and I didn’t have time for nothing else but work and taking care of them. There weren’t any arms left for hobbies or those nice things at that time :) So, now it’s time to relax and have some time for myself which, actually, I'm enjoying very much. Isn't wonderful to have met you both and have 2 dear friends in such an unexpected way? And, don't worry you'll have lots of opportunities to read serious books :) Hugs TI
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