O Bornéo, com uma área de 750.500 km2, é a terceira maior ilha do mundo – depois da Groenlândia e da Nova Guiné – . Situada no Sudueste Asiático, a sua soberania é repartida entre três Estados, Malásia, Brunei e Indonésia. É na parte norte da ilha que se encontram as províncias de Sabah e Sarawak, ambas parte integrante do Estado da Malásia. A nossa viagem centrou-se no vasto território do Sabah onde fomos encontrar florestas densas, habitadas por insectos gigantes, sanguesugas que vivem nas folhas das árvores (e não nos rios ou lagos, como eu julgava), lagartos de 3 metros, flores com um 1 metro de diâmetro, outras com apenas 3mm. Viajamos em rios de água barrenta com ilhas de nenúfares, onde habitam peixes de 3 m, crocodilos e garças, orangotangos e macacos narigudos. Vimos tribos de caçadores de cabeças, povoações lacustres, casas sobre estacas, mercados com produtos exóticos, camarões do tamanho de lagostas e frutas que não conhecíamos. Fomos a ilhas de areia branca de coral, nadamos em águas transparentes, rodeados de centenas de peixes coloridos que não fugiam ao nosso toque, uns com tonalidades rosa e reflexos prateados, outros azuis turquesa. Foi neste território longínquo que me levantei de madrugada para ver as cores dos primeiros raios de sol nos cumes do Monte Kinabalu. Com os seus 4.095m de altura, a montanha mais alta do Sudoeste Asiático (e a vigésima mais proeminente do mundo), ergue-se, no Parque Natural de Kinabalu, esmagadora, à nossa frente. Numa visão que me sugeriu a cidade perdida de Shangri-La, os cumes de Kinabalu erguem-se imponentes, em vértices perfeitos, por cima das nuvens. Fiquei apaixonada pelo Bornéo e pelas suas belezas naturais e, tal como no livro de James Hilton “Lost Horizon”, sou apenas mais uma viajante em busca de lugares perdidos, mundos longínquos, feitos de ternura, beleza e magia, procurando em cada canto, deste planeta azul, os últimos Shangri-Las, entre as montanhas, nas planícies ou no mar.
Malásia - Bornéo - Monte Kinabalu - Fotogr : CRV
2 comentários:
Dear TI! What a an amazing story you already told us... it is mouth watery beautiful - every word of it which you wrote. I'm not sure how it would sound in Portuguese, probably even better - but in English it sounds sooo welcomingly amazing - like paradise. I hope you enjoyed your time in full (I know you did!) - I just wish for you to keep these lovely memories for the winter which is ahead and to share with everyone else you know (me including :P) Thank you for the words of support for my blog, I really needed them, trying to take it easy with blogging not to get tired again. Say hi to Ze. And enjoy the moment you still are to live in that far away corner of the world. We are missing you! LaLaLa is definitely waiting for you here and that another knights place I wrote to you about ;). I have a small surprise for you (and Miguel) - it's a video in Portuguese on my blog. Love and hugs! Olga.
P.S.Arek is leaving for Bangalore tomorrow (work) and is staying in Goa for 4 days (fun organized by work) - I'm a bit jealous of you travelers!
Dear Olga,
It’s always my privilege to have you here. Thanks for your affection, for showing up and, of course, for your words of encouragement, everyone needs them and I’m no exception. It’s really nice to have friends around here. I came from Borneo with the feeling that this was a one life time experience but I surely would love to go back one day. Every time I travel to some place I become aware of so many more things that I inicially planned to visit that I usually tend to plan a second visit. The problem is that my list of countries is so big that I’m facing a shortage of time…I’m exactly like you. This world is so beautiful and there’s so much to see. I became in love with the far East, full of different cultures, warm people and an immense mixture of races: Malays, Chinese’s, Filipinos, Mongols, Hindus. Malaysia is a cocktail of people with an incredible tolerance regarding their different religions and traditions. They all live side by side in perfect harmony. I found Malaysia a very quiet and young country (it’s independence goes only back to the 50’s). Tourism is only now blooming and we can still see many unexplored places where infrastructures are below basic. This was the first time, in many years, that we travelled with some friends and it was quiet amusing and super fun to share laughs and to enjoy their company. They all asked me to post Borneo right away in “Viagens”, so after posting Prague I’ll skip all the other and I’ll start with Borneo (they made an ultimate!).
Please go ahead with your blog and please continue to post your beautiful pictures and your original ideas. It’s so nice to keep on following you. It’s always a privilege to have friends to whom we feel linked with. TI
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