
Recantos Perfeitos

Recantos perfeitos, fins de semana tranquilos.
Mar, sol, boa comida, a melhor companhia do mundo.
É preciso mais alguma coisa?

2 comentários:

Olga disse...

And this is of course the lovely and poetic Ericeira... We miss so much the times spent there with you and Ze(remember picanha night? :)and are ready for our next holiday (we are off to go this Friday already!) - hopefully it will be as happy, beautiful and peaceful as the one we had with you. That food over there looks amazing! (I see Ze's navajas) we keep 'advertising' Portugal to all the people we know and it's a shame it is not so popular around here... Still maybe it's even better - it is not crowded by tourists and will be a perfect place to come back next summer! By the way it feels a bit like autumn here already, the night are quite cold and the days are shorter. Summer, please don't go yet!

Paralelo Longe disse...

I do miss you and you know you are so much welcome to come back when ever you want. We'll do different things. We could go to the South and you can include Ericeira again on your schedule. You have the key and you know the way…so it’s quite easy and for me it’s a pleasure to have you around. I also feel on holidays with you two here. Send our love to Arek and I wish you some wonderful and resting holidays.