
Leio o amor

Leio o amor no livro
da tua pele; demoro-me em cada
sílaba, no sulco macio
das vogais, num breve obstáculo
de consoantes, em que os meus dedos
penetram, até chegarem
ao fundo dos sentidos. Desfolho
as páginas que o teu desejo me abre,
ouvindo o murmúrio de um roçar
de palavras que se
juntam, como corpos, no abraço
de cada frase. E chego ao fim
para voltar ao princípio, decorando
o que já sei, e é sempre novo
quando o leio na tua pele.

Nuno Júdice

3 comentários:

Z disse...

Deixa os blogs. Tenho aqui um livro novo.
TI amo

Olga disse...

Hehe :) Maybe Ze is right TI? :D Recently I'm a bit disillusioned about the whole blogging thing and try to separate myself from comments and 'public' and followers and comments. I keep being annoyed by one word comments just to 'make' me come and visit someone's blog just to see that this person has 50 one-word comments to his/her posts. so stupid... I stopped replying some of these people and I know that it does matter that someone is reading our blog, still it is better to know these people are special and they are really reading rather than just egoistic instead.. TI, thank you for being so special and real!

Paralelo Longe disse...

Yes, Zé is claming that I spend too much time around my photos and blogging, and he’s absolutely right. Time to be with our family is so precious that we have to slow down and not to be sad for not posting for a couple of days, because actually, it’s not important…we’ve talked about this.
I know exactly what you feel. I really prefer just one honest comment than 10 one word comment. There are people who take blogging quite serious and I respect that but for me it’s just a hobby. This is my leisure time, my space for fun, for dreaming and relaxing, that’s why I don’t post politics or news or other subjects that I can watch on TV. This is just for fun otherwise I would have made a blog about the subjects I usually deal with, on my everyday life, and I want to be really far from all that here.
I’ll always be true and faithful to my principles, you can count on that.
Thanks so much for having you here. It's always a pleasure.