

Pôr-do-sol em Castellammare e o Vesúvio.
Fotogr: CRV

2 comentários:

Olga disse...

Beautiful and surreal, TI! I see you are back, we have missed you! I hope you had a wonderful trip and came back well rested and full of impressions just like we did after Portugal :) I already see you are posting some of your wonderful pictures and am looking forward for more and for more 'viagens' of course! I haven't been very active on my blog recently, seems it happens to all the bloggers due to summer time still I'm enjoying it although certain things and meaningless one word comments - to be traded for comments start to irritate a bit. Please say hello to all the family and thank you for not forgetting to visit you are my dearest guest as always!

Paralelo Longe disse...

Dear Olga,
The feeling is absolutely mutual. Now that you mention, I really prefer just one or two honest comments, coming directly from the soul, instead of many, meaningless, cold and distant. I guess you fitted perfectly on my blogging spirit, that’s way we get along so well. Nevertheless, I understand that many bloggers don’t like to express their true emotions on their blogs, publicly. I surely respect that kind of posture but I definitely don’t identify myself with it. As far as myself, I absolutely do not care, at all, about what others may think about my comments, in fact, it’s a real pleasure to express you my feelings towards the different subjects you post. Let’s continue upgrading this beautiful spirit which gives me so much pleasure to share it with you.
Our holidays were absolutely great, very resting and full of culture. Now I’m looking through the 6.000 pictures I took ( I know…I’m crazy!) and for choosing them I need another week holidays :)