

Fotogr: CRV
Em Junho descobrimos Marrocos. As ruas mágicas, as especiarias, as cores, os diferentes sabores da gastronomia local. Ficamos encantados com a profunda presença portuguesa nesse país, visível em muitas das cidades que percorremos. Este é um país que nos surpreendeu com a sua hospitalidade, a simpatia das gentes, a riqueza dos costumes e as suas tradições milenares. Iremos dar destaque a esta viagem, em breve, no nosso blogue "Viagens pelo Mundo". É tempo de partir novamente de férias, desta vez andaremos pela Europa. Um grande abraço a todos. Boas férias e estaremos de volta lá para o meio de Agosto.

3 comentários:

Olga disse...

Dear TI, I very much hope you are enjoying the holidays and I'm missing you 2 lovely blogs. It is good you are taking this break, I think many bloggers do in summer and we are waiting for you to come back with all the lovely pictures and impressions. Send our love and greetings to the family. The photos on this post look like correspondent photos - very professional and very colourful of course. Colour seems to be everywhere in Morocco. You inspire us to go there as usual with your travels ;)

Paralelo Longe disse...

Dear Olga,
I manage to have net today and I'm here to thank your warm visit. It's really nice to have a break from blogging, after all this is just a hobby and when we are on holiday we take a break from hobbies.Blogging is such a nice way to relax that I'm saving my pictures for those working weeks in Lisbon when we are tired and a relaxing moment is always welcome...I came to the conclusion that this is a nice way to extend the holidays feeling afterwards, which turns to be real nice. But... I must confess, I really miss posting my photos and read other bloggers: their joks, their feelings, their stories and their poems. They are all nice even the most rebels and reactionary ones. All of them, in their own particular way have beautiful ways of expressing and it's nice to understand each ones personality, because every different experience surely enrich us.Look at us...didn't we met on this blogging world? and it was a beautiful and unexpected friendship that came. Thanks so much for steaping by, it's always a pleasure to have you around. TI

Olga disse...

Thanks so much TI for your replies - as always! This makes you such a special blogger. It is always my pleasure to visit your blogs, looking forward for more of your travel stories!