do ouro
Sopram a lua pela boca dos púcaros.
À força de labaredas, as porcelanas
apuram-se, altas,
nos dedos. E elas medem girassóis pupila a pupila,
rasgões da água. Entre os braços arrebatam-se
cereais, fogo.
Herberto Helder in "Ofício Cantante"
Fotogr: CRV©
3 comentários:
OLÁ CRISTINA, obrigada pelo comentario sobre as minhas flores, as primeiras fotos da NIKON 300s, realmente estou muitissimo satisfeita, mas ainda ando um bocado "às aranhas" no que toca à programação...... claro, quando quizer lá ir buscar a sua irei consigo. Sobre os planos deste ano vou enviar-lhe um mail.
LINDO ESTE POEMA, não conhecia.
Até breve, beijinho,
Olá Helena, A máquina está de acordo com as críticas. É excelente! Parabéns pelas fotografias que estão com uma qualidade superior e acho que não vou resistir a esta :)
E venha lá esse mail para trocarmos ideias, porque os projectos são muitos.
Um bj para si que é mãe também. É sempre pouco o que podemos dizer das nossas mães. Espero que tenha passado um óptimo dia. Cristina
Hi TI! I hope you are doing well these days! I have finally been allowed to leave my crouches and walk walk walk! So we celebrated that by going away for a long weekend to see Arek's family in the Eastern Poland.
I need to say that when you walk, life is beautiful! I already compensated 2 months spent at home by getting a haircut and doing some shopping and spending a lot of money (and buying new snickers :P)
I still will be going for rehab for 1 month, and my leg is not yet completely 'mine' but it feels good to be around people at work and I think it will help me to completely recover. Thank you so much for your kind words of support, TI - it means a lot and have I told you how great you are? :)
Your sunflowers are beautiful. I see it's almost summer in Portugal.. For some reason your sunflowers reminded me of my company's recent ad which goes something like 'you see the flower, we see fibonacci'... how weird is that :P
I'm very glad the dates are working fine for you and Ze - in fact this is perfect if it also suits you well :). We will look for flights around August, 22 and I will let you know how things are looking like. I think we won't bother you for much longer than last time, maybe around 10 days? - you are to kind spending your time on us anyway!
Lots of love from Gdansk! (with all its cafes waiting for you to come and visit :P)
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