
Feliz 2010

A quem passa por aqui, amigos e desconhecidos, um grande abraço.
Votos de um excelente 2010. Fotog: CRV

4 comentários:


Querida CRISTINA, UM FELIZ ANO NOVO, com saúde, PAZ, AMOR E muitas viagens, que nos reencontremos, seja cá ou lá nos confins do mundo, continuemos a partilhar as belezas deste Universo ,a alegria e a magia.......e tudo mais neste caminho de enriquecimentos do nosso ser e do nosso espirito!......, vou voltar para comentar os seus ultimos textos
Beijinho, HELENA

Paralelo Longe disse...

Querida amiga,
É sempre um prazer vê-la passar por aqui. Eu e o Zé devolvemos os Votos de UM FELIZ ANO ANO. Este, será concerteza um ano excelente, cheio de viagens, na companhia dos amores da nossa vida. Estou desejosa de continuar a ver as suas fotografias do Bornéu e seria engraçado voltarmos a estar juntos num desses lugares, do outro lado do mundo, aproveitando esse seu espírito jovem e essa vontade em aproveitar a vida. Não me esqueço da sua escalada nos Himalaias :). Um grande abraço com amizade, Cristina

Olga disse...

Dear dear TI! We haven't yet 'talked' in 2010 so let me start by wishing you not only fulfilling your dreams and plans in 2010 (as this is a typical thing to say for new year :)). I think except for the plans our lives should be filled with lots of pleasant surprises. So I wish you and Ze many of them in 2010!!

Thank you so much for dropping by today and days before - your comments are always like a huge ray of light - so lively and energetic! I actually feel like I want to do all those crazy things now - rolling in the send or snow and feeling we are alive and enjoying every minute of our lives :)

About Saint Peters and Moscow... Great you want to go as well!! I love such coincidences! do you know I have relatives from my city living in Moscow (a couple as well)and we were planning to visit them and then go together to Saint Peters together. It would be lovely to meet up on the way - either in Moscow or St Peters and spend some time or travel together! We were thinking about going there late June - what are your plans?

Paralelo Longe disse...

Dear Olga,
Thank you so much for caring and for your Happy New Year wishes. Hope this will be a peaceful year with the ones we love around exploring that beautiful spirit of youth and sharing, so rare nowadays. That’s the only important thing, to be surrounded by our family and by true love from the ones we love.
About Moscow and Saint Peters…I’ll send you a mail explaining everything.
All my love for you both,