
Next Stop - Jerusalém

4 comentários:

Olga disse...

Its interesting you are going there without much religious intentions. This more of an exception to the rule. I hope the trip will be beautiful, oh what am I saying I'm sure it will be! TI, have you ever thought about coming to Gdansk - at least for a weekend ;) You might enjoy it here with Ze! You are always more than welcome! A big hug and greets from Arek!

Paralelo Longe disse...

Hi Olga,
This is a quick trip, just for 5 days. We are planning several of these short trips for the next months. If we are always planning big trips we only travel 2 or 3 times a year so, this is a alternative way to travel more and see more, even if we furtheron would have to repeat the country. We'll not go surely for religions matters but the intention is to wide up our culture and knowledge. All of these trips force me to read a lot about the country, history, geography. For instance I'm now reading about the Holocaust and its reasons (which are unexplainable surely) but it gives me insight of the 30’s definite the most important time to understand all that. Hugs TI

Paralelo Longe disse...

How silly of me not to have thank you your invitation. Zé and I would love to go. Maybe next Spring, among some public holidays we have here, I think we can plan a 5 or 6 days trip to Gdansk and its surroundings. Maybe we'll rent a car like we always use to do. Thank you so much for your kind invation I'm thrilled with the idea. Love for you both TI

Olga disse...

Hi TI :) We are very happy about your intentions! It would be wonderful to have you here and spring sounds like a good time! So whenever you feel like coming - let us know, for now we don't have any set travel plans - just thoughts and dreams. We are not able to go to Peru this winter, so we'll visit our families for Christmas and hopefully we'll be able to go skiing somewhere nice in February, but as said - nothing agreed yet.