
Did you ever...

Borneo - Nexus Beach
"Did you ever bathe in the hot blue water with your feet on a coral-reef strand, with starfish tickling the soles of your feet, with the bleached sand running beneath them, with the water melting into the sky in waves of sunshine, and your body melting into the water?"
Agnes Keith - Land Below the Wind - Fotogr: CRV

2 comentários:

Olga disse...

I think I did, but one thing is missing - the star fish.... I want to go some place real hot, it's so grey and foggy here these days! hope the weather is better wherever you are now, TI! (oh, well definitely it is!)

Paralelo Longe disse...

In Borneo when we swimmed on the coral reefs we could touch with our hands the little colorful fish. They gave us little bites and they seemed like electrical shocks...after a while you get usued to. I'm also missing sun and beach. I guess I'm going to Brasil just for 5 days on Christmas. It will be a different Christmas this year, sun instead of cold or snow. TI