
80 anos - Crash da Bolsa de Nova Iorque

Cumpriram-se, precisamente, 80 anos sobre a célebre Segunda-feira negra, de 28 Outubro de 1929, que originaria o famoso crash da Bolsa de Nova Iorque. Depois de uma década em que os mercados viveram, quase em contínuo, níveis especulativos, o crash de 29 viria alterar toda a filosofia da bolsa sendo implementadas regras de suspensão dos mercados ao menor sinal de pânico na corrida às vendas.
É interessante a teoria de Milton Friedman que sustenta que a Grande Depressão, dos anos 30, não tem necessáriamente a sua origem na queda da Bolsa, de Outubro de 29, devendo-se antes ao colapso do sistema bancário americano, resultado das três ondas sucessivas de pânico que assolaram a América, entre 1930 e 33.

3 comentários:

Olga disse...

Very interesting topic, TI. Previously I didn't connect The Great Depression to this particular date. It is amazing how various the topics of your blog are and I learn so much from them. I keep being amazed by how you get your inspiration. Lots of love from Gdansk :)

Paralelo Longe disse...

Dear Olga,
I may say exactly the same about you and your blog and everyone’s blog. What makes this blogging world so interesting is the enormous amount of knowledge we get from everyone‘s inspirational mind which surprises me every day. You can’t imagine how much I’ve learned, and how ignorant I feel when I see what others know. That’s what keeps me going, to learn everyday a bit more. Of course it helps not watching TV. I never watch TV. I came to the conclusion that is a waste of time. I really prefer to read like a fanatic. Since I was a child that I’m a compulsive reader. That’s also a bit dangerous because of the monthly bill on books, but that’s another problem…and at home I have 2 more fanatics…two other problems on monthly bills… :) TI

Olga disse...

Being a book fanatic is probably the best addiction one can develop!