
Itália - Florença

Nas margens do Arno...quando o sol procurava se esconder
Fotogr: CRV

2 comentários:

Olga disse...

Dear TI :) Hope you are doing well and are not too nostalgic for holidays... I already enjoyed your posts and music yesterday, it is a funny coincidence we were listening to Eine Kleine Nachtmusic just a day ago , and you are as always great with the choice of music and pictures. I now imagine you in your lady-like black hat - very exquisite and elegant! I bet it suits you so well and Ze is more than impressed ;) Have a lovely Sunday! We have been looking through the thousand of pictures we have got from Portugal recently and we miss you a lot! Please come to visit soon, it will be great time!

Paralelo Longe disse...

Dear Olga,
I’m not at all nostalgic, actually I’m counting back the days because on October 1st we are leaving again to Kuala Lumpur and Borneo. I feel I'm working between holidays :) and that gives a very happy and motivated spirit…and surely more stories to talk about in “Viagens”.
Thanks, as always, for your encouragement and your friendship. Actually we bought some CD’s in Italy and it was fantastic to travel through those beautiful Tuscany roads listening classical music, it was something like an exquisite element which helped finishing the scenario.
I spoiled myself in Rome and bought a big black hat, you are such a dear!
I’m also anxious to see your pictures from Portugal. You took lots of them, very beautiful and full of colour. I understand the “work” of going through them and choosing the ones to post. I’m "living" exactly the same crusade…and this hobby involves lots of hours! I miss you both! Love TI